Monday, August 25, 2008

What's New

What's new? Well, lots of things are new. New catty, new products, new In Colors. I'm very excited about the upcoming stamping year. If you need a Fall-Winter Idea Book & Catalog please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and I will be sure you receive one.

I'm Still Here

I bet you all thought I dropped off the face of the earth ----- well I didn't. I'm still here. I am struggling with my blog. I am not a highly trained computer person and this is a challenge. I'm trying though - so please bear with me. Every day, every week, every month it's a new challenge and my blog is my BIGGEST challenge right now!!!!! I am going to conquer this though so I hope you are all ready for the ride of your life if you're on this one with me!

Thanks to my good friend, Nancy M., I have downloaded Picasa2 onto my PC and I'm hoping that will make my "blogging life" a little bit more bearable.